Enhanced Education through Technology Integration

Utilizing Title II-D Enhancing Education through Technology subgrants, high poverty districts across the State of New Hampshire were afforded opportunities to integrate technology into curricula and instruction, with the aim of increasing teachers’ instructional abilities and students’ performance on challenging state standards. Implementing a theory-based evaluation approach, Hezel Associates aided New Hampshire Department of Education’s conceptualization of state- and district-level outcomes—and subsequently, overall understandings regarding the initiative’s collective impact on teaching and learning.

Leveraging conceptual models, measurement metrics, and formative and summative insights, the Hezel team identified exemplar technology integration practices, transformations to school culture following technology inclusion, impacts on stakeholder behaviors, and facilitators and barriers to program implementation. Further, Hezel Associates offered data-informed recommendations regarding requisite technological infrastructure, communication strategies to stakeholders—systemwide, enhanced teacher professional development and student support, and promising practices worthy of sustaining. Ultimately, evaluation efforts positioned schools to cultivate the technology-rich environments needed to realize instructional effectiveness, and by extension, increased achievement outcomes.
